Inheritance Tax

Overview of Dealing with Digital Assets after Death

Consider the types of digital Assets relevant to you... Data and information stored electronically or on a cloud; Online accounts  - social media , email, online gaming; Intellectual Property – eg  copyrighted material, Trademarks, computer codes; Websites or blogs generating income; Artwork, music, ebooks, or any digital IP generating income; Accounts used to manage money [...]

Saving Tax with a Discretionary Trust

You do not have to be particularly wealthy or a business owner to make use of Will trust provisions to make tax savings and to protect assets into the future. Business owners and investors should however consider trusts to maximise the very generous reliefs that are available to qualifying businesses interests. There are different types of trust. These can be set up in lifetime or take effect on death under the terms of the Will or a Deed of Variation within two years of the death.

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